Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Class Clown

I think it's safe to say that Rob and I will be at the Principal's office a lot when P is in school. I've noticed it for awhile but today it hit me like a ton of bricks that P LOVES to be the class clown. If he can make someone laugh, smile or clap at him he's happy. At gymnastics today he was behaving until he tried a "big kid" move on the trampoline. The parents clapped so he tried it again. By the third time the parents stopped clapping so P stepped it up by trying to be silly. A couple of them chuckled at his antics and that set him off for the rest of class. He did everything in his power to get anyone and everyone to laugh. On the way home I turned up a new CD I had just got. P had his snack cup full of teddy grahams when I noticed him laughing uncontrollably. I turned the song down and asked what was funny. He said, "Bears dancing!" He proceeded to shake his snack cup, teddy grahams flying everywhere. When I started laughing that got him going even more. Then he started putting toys in his cup, making them "dance". After his nap he started in again, wired higher than a kite. While looking for some paperwork this evening I came across the last letter my Papa had written me right after my 26th birthday. I came out of the room, crying, and P did all he could to make me smile. It was a sweet gesture but it made me cry even more because I wish my Nana and Papa were still alive so they could enjoy P as much as we do! We are so blessed to have such a sweet, fun loving boy...even if it means we'll be on a first name basis with his principal!

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