Tuesday, September 27, 2011


When Rob called to check in on my day I told him it was boring. The house is too quiet, too clean. My inlaws left today and now it seems empty. I tried, to no avail, to talk P into going to the park just to get out of the house. There was nothing for me to do since my wonderful MIL had worked her fingers to the bones during her vacation with us. I appreciated it while she was here but now that she's gone I don't know how much I appreciate it. My days off are usually filled with cleaning and errands but because she helped so much with both while she was here I now just sit here, contemplating on what to do. P is in bed, the house is too quiet (Have I already mentioned that?) and I'm not ready for bed. So I guess I'll draw a hot bath, iron my clothes for tomorrow and read my People mag. Oh, how I wish the family was all here so there'd be noise and laughter filling the room. Every time I spend time with my inlaws I realize how blessed I am to have married into such a wonderful, giving, loving family. I don't take those blessings for granted even for a minute! We had a great time together and made memories to last a lifetime. Now if I could only get them back here.......... ;)

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