Monday, September 5, 2011

Just Keeps Getting Better

Every weekend I think, "This weekend can't be better than the last one." but it is. This weekend was the perfect combination of quality time with friends, fun family time, productivity and relaxation! Our weekend started with our annual Ribfest that we have with good friends. We make a quick rib run to avoid the crowds downtown, then we take the ribs to our friends' house, where we do our own rib tasting. As always, it proved to be fun. The only downfall is that P got bit several times by fire ants when he was playing on a mound of dirt. Luckily, Rob was quick thinking and decided we needed to get Calamine lotion ASAP. Between that and the Aveeno bath we gave P, you couldn't even tell he'd been bit by the next morning.
Saturday Rob had to work and P hadn't had a good night so P and I laid low. I hit a sale to get P some Winter clothes and I went for a long walk with a neighbor friend in the afternoon. Other than that, I tried to catch up on sleep and relaxed.
Yesterday was rather busy because we went to church in the morning then stopped by a friend's to pick up a piece of furniture. Our afternoon was relaxing, which was nice, since last night was a late one for P. We took him to his first minor league baseball game. He loved it and was well behaved!
The tickets I had were supposed to be for the lawn seats but the lady at the ticket window let us upgrade to the third base line for free. A guy right behind Rob caught a foul ball and we had hoped he would give it to P but he wanted it for himself. After singing one of P's favorite songs, "Take Me Out to the Ball Game", during the 7th inning stretch we decided to call it a night, much to P's dismay. He was having so much fun and wanted to stay but he had started showing signs of being tired. As soon as we got home and put him to bed he was out.
This morning we woke up to a little rain, some wind and a beautiful sunrise.
Since Rob had the day off we went to VC for breakfast and some park time. Then Rob hung out with P at the house while I went down the hill to run a few errands and meet a friend for sushi. It was nice to catch up with her and be able to get things done without having to bribe a toddler. This afternoon we worked outside to get some things done. Then we topped off the weekend with burgers on the grill.
It was such a perfect weekend! September is going to be a fun, yet busy, month so I have no doubt we have more outstanding weekends in store.

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