Sunday, September 25, 2011

Today's the Day!

8 days ago Rob and my father in law took off with the truck loaded, ready for their Colorado elk hunt. Luckily, Mom Herrington stayed behind. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with her and she has been a HUGE help (It's so nice to have a clean house, no dishes and very little laundry 24/7)!! Without her here, this week would've been even more lonely. I'm used to Rob being gone for work so I didn't think of him being gone for a week as a big deal. However, the difference is when he's gone for work we still talk a lot. He didn't have cell service in the remote area where they were staying so we talked once a day, twice if we were lucky. He'd call at night to report about his hunt and say goodnight. We didn't talk more than a few minutes, making me miss him more than usual. Unfortunately, they didn't get close enough to any elk and it was a lot harder hunt than anticipated but they had fun. I can selfishly say I'm glad the week is over and my hubby will be home late today or early tomorrow. I can't wait to wrap my arms around him, fall asleep next to him and talk more than a few minutes a day!!

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