Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dinosaurs, Frogs and Ducks

I'm trying to give P as much "Me Time" as I can before the baby comes. I try to find a balance between housework, errands and doing something he'll enjoy. So when I got a weekly email outlining fun kid events around Reno I jumped at the chance to take him to a dinosaur themed kids' museum. It turned out to be disappointing as it was more of a playroom or a parent supervised preschool setting. But he enjoyed himself while we were there and he even got to see his little buddy, Andy. The one thing he did enjoy was the dinosaur play area outside the museum. He wanted to climb on all the dinosaurs and then he talked to them, apologizing to them for not saving his salami snack for them. :) From there I took him to a pond where I had recently done an impromptu photo shoot for a friend. I knew the pond was slap full of huge frogs. Much to our delight we not only found frogs but a friendly duck and some fish. I think he enjoyed that more than the dinosaur "museum". To top off the morning we stopped for some chips and guacamole on the way home (His new favorite....much to my delight!). This afternoon has been filled with a nap, outside play and lots of mud sculptures. Other than the unbearable heat, it's been a great day!

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