Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Day of Solitude....kind of

I don't care for drama but I seem to be in the center of it lately with work and being "that" pregnant girl (You know? The one's that's complaining about stupid pregnancy things that don't matter in the long run!). So it was nice to not only have a day by myself but a day of pampering. My day started by sleeping in until 7:30. Then I took P to school before heading off for a prenatal massage. I did a little wedding shopping for a friend-at my leisure without having to coax a 3 year old through the store. From there I headed off to more pampering by getting my hair done. I left there, went next door and had a quiet lunch for 1, something I wouldn't have done 4 or 5 years ago for fear of looking like a loner. I took my time, reading my Kindle, enjoying my time alone. I was still early getting P from school so I stopped at one of my favorite walking places and took a leisurely walk around the park, enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery. The quiet time was a time of reflection, one to take a minute to count my blessings.
I'm blessed in so many ways but instead of taking time to count my blessings I spend more time complaining about dumb stuff. After taking a few minutes to reflect on our life, I realized that I blessed to have such a wonderful family. I'm blessed to have a sweet, loving boy that is my world. I'm blessed to be pregnant with our second son, who hopefully will be just as sweet as his big brother. I'm blessed to have great friends who let me vent and be myself yet still love me. I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband who enjoys spending time with our son so I can go be social and do my own thing once in awhile. I'm blessed with so many things that I take for granted. Having a little alone time today made me aware of all the great things in my/our life. I am blessed!!!

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