Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wow....40 years??

Today my parents are celebrating 40 years of marriage!! That's quite an accomplishment in any day and age but especially today's. I have no doubt that marriage has had its shares of ups and downs in the past 40 years (Just ask my parents about their first year of married life!) but they've always made marriage look easy. Growing up, they made it clear that God came first, their marriage second and my brother and me third. It wasn't a bad thing at all. It's just the way it was. When my dad got home from work, my parents would go in their room for 15 minutes just to have time to themselves before the rest of the evening was devoted to family time. My dad used to embarrass me (and maybe my brother, although that's doubtful) growing up because he couldn't-and still can't-keep his hands off my mom. I remember having fresh flowers around the house a lot because he brings them to her just because he loves her. When she packs his lunch, she slips a love note in it. Keeping God at the center of their marriage is what's kept it strong all of these years but the simple ways they say "I love you" has helped as well. They are each other's best friend and love spending every minute together whether it's coming to visit us kids, running errands, fishing, doing things around the house or just relaxing in front of the TV. I'm extremely thankful for the wonderful example they've set for me and my brother as to what marriage should look like! Happy 40th anniversary Mom and Dad!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thanks for the sweet message. We have loved each other and you and Josh. It's been a blessing and a privilege. Mom