Monday, September 3, 2012

Last Summer Hoorah!

3 years ago I would've said I was blessed with acquaintances in Reno. But friends? Not really, other than one from college (and her family). Today it's a different story. We are truly blessed with so many groups of friends. We still have my good college friend and her family. We have our "Archery Family", who would do anything for us. I have my school friends and P's play group mommy friends. Needless to say, we rarely lack for something to do. This weekend was no exception, which helped take my mind off of how much I miss Rob. Every day, except yesterday, was spent with friends. Friday night my college friend, her family, P and I did our annual rib fest. This is where we beat the crowds by getting ribs and taking them back to someone's house where we have a potluck and sample the ribs. It's always a great time with such good friends! Saturday we went to a birthday party for one of P's buddies. It was nice to have him play while I caught up with some friends that I haven't seen too much recently. Today a friend asked us if we'd join her and her family at Lake Tahoe to celebrate her birthday. P and I didn't have plans to we made an afternoon out of it. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her better as we took in the beautiful views. It's nice to now be able to say that we are blessed, as a family and as individuals, to have such great friends in the area!

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