Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Life is nice right now. Rob and I work out together, which is really nice. We don't do the same workout but it's nice having someone there with me. The weather has cooled off for a few days, which is REALLY nice. We went from sleeping without the covers and all the fans on to sleeping under a down comforter (I even had flannel PJ bottoms on...Dad would be so proud!). It was nice to put on a hoodie and have a big cup of coffee with me this morning when I left the house. A mustang came in the yard tonight after we hadn't seen any for awhile. It was nice to eat dinner then watch the mustang eat his. My parents are coming up this weekend for the first time since April, which will be REALLY nice. I am excited for them to see our home and go to Virginia City.I doubt there will be much more to write about this week, but we have a very busy weekend and school starts next week so stay tuned. I'm sure there will be a lot to write about.

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