Saturday, August 16, 2008

Silly Girl

Roxy has provided many laughs today. It started this morning when she was passing gas and couldn't figure out what was happening. Then she has this toy I call Moo Cow. It moos if you push a button, which Rob has found to be entertaining. He pushes the button and Roxy stands there, staring at the toy and cocking her head from side to side. It's this game they play for quite awhile. Roxy eventually gets "brave" and nudges the toy while it's mooing. We are watching our neighbor's horse for the weekend. Tonight when Rob went to feed her Roxy decided to try to help. She was running around the hay bale and getting into the horse corral. Much to her disappointment Rob told her to leave the corral because we were afraid she would get kicked. After we came back in the house, I was rubbing Rob's feet. For whatever reason, Roxy loved the smell of the lotion I was using. Eventually she just started licking his feet because she apparently liked the taste as well. It was grossing me out to rub his feet and have her lick them so I told her to get away. At that point Rob turned on a hunting show. Roxy laid down, facing the TV, and crossed her front paws. When the elk were bugling Roxy would stare at the TV, cocking her head from side to side. It was like she was really into the show. (I tried to get a picture but getting up distracted her) Now she is chasing flying insects around the living room. That girl I tell ya!

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