Thursday, August 14, 2008


You ever have one of those days where NOTHING goes right? I had one of them today and it just made me feel overwhelmed to the point of tears. In the whole scheme of life none of it was a big deal, but when all of it came together in one day it was more than I wanted to deal with. I ran late getting to school but it was okay because I planned to work late before meeting Rob at the gym. Little did I know that the school was going to close early and Rob was going to work late. Then Bee had told me she was going to move everything out of the classroom yesterday (She just found out she had to move rooms) but not only did she not move anything, but she never came in today. So, I still don't know what is hers and what is mine to use. The room is one big mess, which doesn't help calm my nerves. To top it off, the classroom won't have a/c access until next Tuesday. By the time I left, it was 95 degrees in my room....yuck! Rob and I had our "Date Night" but we were both so hot and tired that we pretty much just ate and left the restaurant. I wanted to have a few minutes to myself to cry and release some frustration, but Rob is still learning that when I cry it could be for no reason. He thought he had done something, but it's just the beginning of the year stress. Luckily this will only go on for another week and then the year will start. From there hopefully we'll be in a routine and life will resume back to normal.

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