Thursday, October 22, 2009

Noah's Ark

For awhile I was wondering if we should build an ark. We had 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 of us.... But, we've downgraded our animal status...and upgraded our human status. As of yesterday we only have one dog and one horse. I was kind of bummed to get rid of Duke but knew it was for the best. He is big and doesn't realize it so we couldn't have him in the house when Preston was down low. It got to be burdensome to keep an eye on him outside all the time and I felt bad having him in the kennel all day. I also wasn't spending the time needed with him for the first two months after Preston was born so he wasn't really trained, other than knowing how to sit and staying in his crate. I hate to admit it but it was rather nice not having to dump food in his bowl upstairs this morning so I could trick him out of the garage to close the door (He's chewed up expensive stuff in the garage). It was also nice to look out and not see the neighbors' shoes, gloves, etc. on our deck. Someday I hope to get another dog because Holly is getting old and can't exercise with me all that well. But, for right now I think we have the perfect one horse one dog household.

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