Thursday, October 1, 2009

Miss Us????

You may be wondering why we haven't blogged in awhile. It's because our home computer crashed. It was supposed to be an easy fix once the CDs arrived (Duke chewed up the first set that came late last week). After trying to repair it yesterday I was informed by Gateway that it was a larger problem. So, I am at Kinko's, where I just shipped our laptop to Texas. It seems we'll be without a computer for a couple more weeks.....GGRRRR!!! It makes us realize how much we depend on technology. Since I am paying by the minute to blog I'll give you a teaser for what's to come....... new pics, a world record jump, rehoming Duke, Preston in the big boy crib, sleepless nights, first ride on Cheyenne, a mechanical bull and much more. Stay tuned to find out the latest in our lives!!

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