Thursday, August 19, 2010

For His Own Good

Preston is getting way too smart and way too brave for his own good. Most of the stuff takes place in the kitchen but he does some stuff outside as well. First for the kitchen stuff..... He loves the dishwasher! He knows how to open it and does quite often. He likes to help unload the dirty dishes and I worry about sharp objects. Trying to outsmart him, I lock it. But he has discovered how to turn the dishwasher on and takes great pride in doing so. Not to be outdone, I put the lock the middle so he cannot open or lock it. I discovered this evening that, once again, I was outsmarted by a 13 month old! He now moves the lock depending on what he CHOOSES to do- unload the dishwasher or start it. The other not so fun discovery is the stove. When I use the stove I thought I was being smart by putting the pots and pans on the back burners so he couldn't access them. He could care less about them. He wants the burner knobs. He can reach them now and likes to turn them. So I have to watch him like a hawk. We have a new water cooler and only one of the spickets has a child-proof spout. He quickly figured out how to use the other one. Even with a chair blocking it, he can squeeze next to it and get water everywhere!
Outside he's become the dare devil. He walks all over our property and our neighbor's. If you've been to our house you know this is quite a feat. Usually I put him in the backpack at night so I can water and feed the goats. Tonight I had to clean up the mess from the bear (I forgot to close the garage door last night and came out this morning to see that a bear had ransacked our garbage can. Luckily, it was mostly paper products so, other than pistachios, it didn't get away with much). So, I just put Preston's shoes on him so he could walk around. He walked over to the watering can, picked it up and brought it to me as if to say, "OK Mom, we have to go water and feed the goats." While I fed the goats and put water in Holly's pool, he decided to climb into her plastic pool and play with the hose. What a mess!
No wonder I'm exhausted by the time he goes to bed each night. And by the way, he's currently taking the DVDs out of the entertainment center, taking out the movies and then trying to put the cases back where he found them. Oh the joys......

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