Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Candid Camera

I feel like I've been on Candid Camera for the past few days, starting when Preston and I got ready to leave for Battle Mountain. I had everything packed and ready to go until Preston decided to help. His idea of helping these days is putting things in drawers. He took his bottle out of the bag and put it somewhere. I spent forever looking for it, but have yet to find it, giving me more incentive to transition him completely to sippy cups. Once we finally got on the road, a half hour late, I had to stop at the bank. I got there 2 minutes after they closed and they refused to help me. Those two things along shoudl've been a sign, but the rest of Saturday was uneventful. We enjoyed a dinner our friend bought us at the Star (our favorite place).

Sunday the 2nd, better, episode of Candid Camera began. I took Preston to church, walked around town and had a picnic where everything seemed to be normal. Then....my hunt began! Archery antelope hunting is out of control! I never knew it'd be so hard when you can drive by an alfalfa field and see about a hundred of antelope just hanging out in a herd. My first attempt at one, I tried to crawl along a fence line, hiding behind sage brush. The problem was that it was 100 degrees outside so the ground was about 120 degrees. It was too hot (not to mention the prickly things that kept getting stuck in my hands) so I ended up walking hunched over. According to Rob, I was very easy to spot and since antelope are known for their eyesight, I didn't stand a chance. The 2nd attempt occurred when I was hiding in brush and Rob "herded" the buck my way. Unfortunately, I made a rookie mistake and didn't have my arrow in my bow. By the time I did that the speed goat had taken off...fast. The 3rd attempt was when I hid behind a dead tree. Rob once again "herded" a buck my way. The problem with that situation was that the buck was in a herd so an antelope stampede occurred. I shot at what I hoped was the buck (They were FLYING by) but it jumped over the arrow and kept going. Our fourth attempt was by far the best! I sat in the passenger seat and Rob was determined to cut off a herd that was crossing the road ahead of us. I propped the door open with my left foot and had my bow aimed and ready this time. However, Rob didn't tell me he was going to pick up speed. When he did it threw me off balance and the door started to close. It broke my arrow in half much to our surprise and dismay. At this point I was done but on our way home we saw a lone buck in a field. Rob told me if I hopped the fence and crawled along the sage, hidden, I'd be able to cut him off. Rob made it sound so easy. I got hung up on the barbed wire and by the time I got untangled the buck was further away. I decided to sneak up from behind him, which didn't work. I crawled back over the fence (easier this time) and sat on the side of the road, waiting for Rob to get me. He thought I was still in the sage, well hidden, so I sat there for quite awhile waiting for him. By the time he got me I was exhausted and sore beyond belief.

Yesterday was just one big Candid Camera episode when the real hunting began. I sat in a blind for awhile but the field had been cut so I spent the whole time reading. It made for an enjoyable hunting experience. Then the real fun began. First we go a flat tire. Luckily Rob was able to change it pretty quick. Then we (ie Rob) thought it'd be good to hunt this alfalfa field where we saw a huge buck. Rob showed me how to crawl through the field without being seen. I started out, heading toward the buck, but then I lost him. I saw Rob turn the Yukon around after being parked in the same spot for about an hour (Yes, I had crawled that long!!!). So I stood up, thinking the buck had run off. Surprisingly he was standing in front of me, eyes peeled on me. I crouched back down and began crawling again. After crawling for what seemed like MILES, hands and knees tore up, I was within shooting distance. Since I was in this little water way I decided to crawl a couple more feet to make sure everything was perfect. All of a sudden Rob decided to drive up near the buck. His intent was to distract the buck so I could get closer. Instead it scared the buck and he took off running. I was SOOOOOOO mad!! That buck was mine after crawling for 2 hours and being all tore up and sore. But I had to settle for walking back to the Yukon, watching the buck run further away.

Today finished the Candid Camera series. I was on my way out of town when my other right tire went flat. Since the spare was being used on the tire that Rob replaced yesterday, I had no choice but to call AAA and wait for a tow truck. While waiting, Preston exploded in his diaper, getting it all over me and him. I had to change his clothes but he was out of shorts. So the poor lil guy had to wear pants in 100 degree weather. The tow truck didn't take long and we were able to sit in my air conditioned car until the truck got there so it wasn't too unbearable for P. Once my car was at the tire store I was told they couldn't patch the tires because they were beyond repair. Luckily they had 2 used tires so it didn't cost as much as it could've. 4 hours past the time I wanted to leave, Preston and I were on the road and he was sound asleep.

Luckily nothing else of importance-or embarrassment-happened so I think we've concluded our Candid Camera series. But stay tuned as I have an archery elk hunt coming up this weekend, followed by more archery antelope hunting.

*For those of you that have the luxury of sitting in a tree stand or a blind, waiting for the animal to come to you, you should try antelope hunting out West. It's a whole new ballgame!!*

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