Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gymnastics Glory

The minute I tell P it's time to get ready for gymnastics every Tuesday he starts yelling, "Jump! Jump! Jump!". He says it all the way to gymnastics. Well, he says it til we turn onto I-80 because then he knows he gets to see the trains. But that's a whole different blog. Anyway, today he especially liked gymnastics because it was Animal Week! All of the stretches and exercises were based on an animal theme. His favorite activity was the "bear crawl". However, instead of crawling like a bear, he just sat there growling like one. On one activity he was supposed to hang from a bar like a bird perched on a limb. Instead he just stood there looking at the stuffed birds, saying "Cheep, cheep!". P's moment of glory came later in the class in the way of foam marshmallows. Every other week his coach has the kids climb a ladder then jump about 4 feet into foam marshmallows. P has been in gymnastics for 3 months and today is the first day he jumped. He wasn't going to do it but he saw 2 of his playmates climb the ladder and jump. Since I was the "fearless leader" helping the kiddos up the ladder P decided to give it a whirl....er, jump. The first time he started fussing when his coach held him out to jump. But once he did it he was hooked. After 3 more times, his coach said it was time for stamps and coloring pictures. That's the only thing that would grab his attention because it's his favorite part of the class. He got to go down the big twirly slide for the first time that comes from climbing the ladder and ended his class on Cloud 9. I'm proud of him for trying new things and conquering fears!

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