Sunday, May 29, 2011

Snow, Snow GO AWAY!

It's May 29th, 3 days away from June and we woke up to about 3 inches of SNOW this morning. It's fun during the Winter months. It's not so much fun when you have an active toddler that wants to be outside, when you want to golf and plant a garden. I refuse to build a fire in the fireplace even though it's in the 30's outside!
My parents came for a visit Friday afternoon. My dad, Rob and I braved the cold yesterday and played a round of golf. It was definitely on the cooler side but not unbearable. Snow was forecasted but not until late last night and only for a brief time. So we didn't think twice about my parents leaving late afternoon to head home. They were on the road for about an hour when we turned on the news. The anchor announced that I80, the road they were on, had just put up chain controls due to all the snow. We called my parents to inform them of this and they decided to come back here. It reminded me a little of our trip to MS last month when we turned around and flew back to MS with no extra clothes. The good news is that the sun is finally peeking through. Hopefully that means the snow will melt away soon and we can feel like it's approaching Summer. One of these days the sun will stay out long enough for me to plant a garden. Some day....

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