Monday, May 16, 2011

Moments in Time

When we went to bed last night, Rob and I were talking about P...something we do every night. We laughed about different moments in the day, relishing P's sense of humor. Then we started talking about special times with him. My special time with him is in the morning. Usually Ruby wakes us up around 6:30. I make sure to get P out of bed before letting the dogs out or he gets upset. As soon as I open his door he says, "Doggies out". Once his diaper is changed we go to the garage, where he proudly opens the garage door. When he feels like the dogs have had a long enough time to do their business he'll clap his hands and yell "Rue! Hall Girl!" He tells them "Good Girl" when they come at his request. When he closes the garage door he demands that Ruby sits (She usually listens, which makes him happy). This morning he kept saying something, which I couldn't understand. When we got upstairs he ran over to the shock collar and pulled it down from the banister. I realized then that he was saying, "Zapper", reminding me to put her collar on.
I vary his breakfast every morning so he will enjoy a wide range of different foods. But no matter what I feed him he always asks for my milk. If he doesn't have a bowl of his own he'll drink it from mine. He loves drinking milk from a bowl these days! After breakfast I make coffee and then we usually have some cuddle time while we watch a Thomas video...before the chaos of our day starts. But, every morning I take the time to cherish special moments with our special lil man.

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