Sunday, May 8, 2011

What is a Mom?

I've always wanted to be a mom and a wife. So imagine my grief when, in 2003, I was told there'd be a good chance I'd never fulfill one of those dreams. But 5 years later tears of joy streamed down my face when I saw the words "Pregnant" flash across that little stick. Little did I know what the job of "Mom" would entail. For the first year of P's life it meant countless sleepless nights and acting the part of a nurse. It meant many trips to the doctor and lots of cuddling. Well, I still have the privilege of lots of cuddling. But, now, as P gets older, it also means being a teacher and a playmate. It means being a disciplinarian and knowing when to choose my battles. It means being a Sunday School teacher, teaching him right from wrong and teaching him about Jesus. It means being a nutritionist, getting P to try new healthy foods. It also means being a chef, cooking meals instead of taking him to get fast food. It means being a coach, encouraging him to try new things at gymnastics. It means being a travel agent, booking flights to see family and visit new places. It means being a counselor when he's hurting or banged up (Which seems to be happening more and more). It means being a housekeeper, making sure he has clean clothes and his mounds of toys are picked up. There are countless roles of being a mom, ones I don't take lightly. I pray that I'll be the kind of mom to P that my mom has been to me and my brother. She took her role as mom seriously and taught us so much. Being a mom is the highest honor possible, in my opinion, so today I am wishing every mom a Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

mom said...

As I thanked God for my mother and mother-in-law, I thanked him for you and Josh and the privilege of being a mother. I didn't know it could get any better until I became a grandmother! Love you, Mom