Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3: Heat

Last night I couldn't get warm so I conveniently went and grabbed some fire wood. I built a nice fire, got in warm clothes and dressed P in his footsie PJs. Then, when I went to bed, I made sure the heater was set to come on throughout the night and crawled into my warm comfy bed. (Since my comfy bed has been mentioned the past couple posts, maybe that's something I should be thankful for.) When I woke up I took a hot shower and then I wrapped up in my warm robe. I knew it was going to be a cold morning so I bundled me and P up then started the car so it'd be warm when we left for school. I started thinking about those less fortunate. I know of one student, and possibly 3, in my class this year alone that are homeless. They don't have the luxury of having heat at their disposal. They have to go without a lot of times. I really hope I'm wrong, but I'll be surprised if they'll be warm during this upcoming storm. It makes me thankful for the easy access I have to warmth and heat. I don't have to wonder what it'd be like to be warm because I know. I'm thankful for the little things in life that I so often take for granted.

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