Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Fun

Since Rob blogged a more philosophical entry this morning I'll just give you an update on our day. The Easter morning started when P discovered that the Easter Bunny had brought him all kinds of goodies. The expression on his face was priceless when he saw the cars, tires and race track in his Easter basket. Once he played with everything we got ready for church. Lately I've felt that church is more like going through the motions because it gets distracting having P with us. However, this morning, I felt the Lord's presence during the worship time. I could've sang praise and worship songs to my Lord all day! We left church and headed to the ball park. Can't say I've ever done that on Easter but it ended up being a lot of fun. P loved the game....until the 7th inning when he finally succumbed to a short nap. Once the game was over we came home, too late for the Easter ham dinner I had planned. So instead we had an overly salty shrimp pasta with the intent of having our Easter dinner tomorrow. Now we're relaxing, playing with cars, uploading Easter pictures and enjoying a wonderful end to our perfect Easter day.

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