Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter Weekend!

My parents called earlier this week and asked if they could up for a pre-Easter visit. I warned them that today would be busy but they happily agreed. (They even offered to watch P last night so Rob and I could enjoy a golf and dinner date night.) The day started with an early morning wake-up call and then a 45 minute drive. We went to a 5k that I had signed up to run with some friends. Despite the early wake-up and the cold temps, they happily cheered me on at the finish line. P even got to go across the finish line with me! We took some pics, said our goodbyes and raced back into town for an Easter Egg Hunt. Although he didn't collect many eggs, P was thrilled with grabbing them and seeing what was inside of each one. From there we came back home to dye Easter eggs. Last year P wasn't into it so I didn't care that all I had were brown eggs or that there wasn't even a dozen. But, wouldn't you know that this year he loved it! There's always next year to get it right I guess. After the eggs were done and my parents' car was loaded with their stuff they took off and we took a much needed nap. It's been a fun day and I'm thankful that the rest of the day consists!

If I don't get to ya tomorrow I hope that everyone has a blessed Easter and takes a minute to reflect on the REAL meaning of Easter. He is risen! He is risen indeed!!

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