Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Finally Served!

Karma. Justice served. Paybacks. Whatever you want to call it, I am happy to say that it happened yesterday. 4 years ago I took a teaching job in NV. At the time the principal was my best friend. We talked every day and went through some rough times-and great times-together. She was the one who threw my baby shower, whose son was born 2 days after P. But she was also the one who told me confidential employee info that I had no business teachers had been given, how she was going to take pleasure in destroying one person's admin career, who she liked and who she couldn't stand. There were no secrets. Then our friendship changed a couple years later when I decided to transfer to another school after taking a year's leave of absence. She took the move personally and did everything in her power to sabotage my transfer. She threatened 2 of her employees to terminate their friendships with me or pay the price. So, needless to say, I lost 2 friends who, at the time, were close ones. I tried to warn the friends about what kind of person she was but they were in too tight with her to see the time. Fast forward to about a year ago when I got a random FB message from one of the girls. She apologized for not being open minded about the situation, for not seeing things my way. She had since realized that the principal was exactly the vindictive person I had described. We have mended our friendship although it'll never be the same.
That same girl took a bold step in reporting the bullying that the principal was doing at the school with the teachers. There was a district investigation that didn't result in any action being taken....until yesterday. The other mutual friend of ours that was involved in this drama had sent the friend a text that reopened the investigation. (Ironically last week she sent me a text as well, apologizing for what has happened and asking if we could mend our friendship) The district detective came to retrieve the texts off my friend's phone, which in return reopened the investigation due to some compelling confessions. Since then more teachers have stepped forward to tell about how the principal had threatened and bullied them into doing things they didn't want to.
Yesterday the district announced that this principal would be on administrative leave until further notice. For most people that wouldn't be a huge deal as long as the paychecks were still coming in. But for her this will be a fate worse than death because she's a control freak. Not being there to manipulate and have her nose in everyone's business will be hard on her. But, then again you know what they say about paybacks! I hope that in the end justice will FINALLY be served and her true colors will be revealed!

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