Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Picture Withdrawals

OK, I admit it......I'm addicted to FB and having major withdrawals! Mainly because it's the way I posted pictures of the boys for family and friends to see. So, here are a few pics I took this week and don't know where to post them. :) A friend was in town and she's into photography as well so we took a short road trip to try to take pics of bald eagles. We didn't capture any on film but I got a couple water pics that I liked and then we ran into Rob's crew on our way to lunch so I got a couple pics of him working. I don't normally post pics of P but I thought it was too cute that he was so worn out from his time with Gee and BobBob that he laid down and fell asleep in the middle of playing in his room. Of course it wouldn't be a photo blog without a pic of our most adorable baby boy. Enjoy....

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