Sunday, July 6, 2008

Roxy, the country canine

So, Roxy has gotten used to country living...maybe a little too much! She now likes to kill any insect within her reach in the house. Tonight, when we were walking the property (of course she had her log in her mouth) she ran over to a tree. She started burrowing her head under the tree. That's when I heard an animal noise. Before I could get there, Roxy lifted something in the air and watched it fall to the ground. To my dismay, it was a newborn bunny. It didn't even have its eyes open yet. I got her away from the hole before she could kill any others but it broke my heart. Rob informed me that a coyote or snake or any other type of animal would probably find the baby bunnies but I don't want Roxy to be a bunny killer. So, she may have to be trained to be a country canine in a different chasing lizards or mice! I can't handle her killing the cute country animals!!!

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