Monday, July 20, 2009

All in a Day

I used to laugh and think, "What kind of parent are you?" when friends with newborns would tell me they don't have time to clean their house or even take a shower. Now I'm starting to understand why. Preston is 2 1/2 weeks old and this is the first normal day we've had together....just me and him without any dr appts or major errands (He's still not supposed to be out in public). Our "normal day" has consisted of me washing bottles, feeding him, changing him, holding him and administering the IV treatment. I have not had time to get the list of things done that I had planned on accomplishing. I had time to take a shower but not put on make-up...which usually takes less than 5 mins. I started a load of laundry and it's still in the washing machine. I vaccuumed an area where the dogs had destroyed a stick and planned to stop there but it actually soothed Preston so I vaccuumed the entire upstairs. Never have I felt such a sense of accomplishment with vaccuuming! Our house is not at all as clean as I would like it, but there's something more important than a clean house and that is a happy, healthy baby! So, if you happen to stop by some day and it's not the cleanest, just take one look at our adorable son and you'll know why.

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