Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Silver Lining

Both of my boys are napping admist monitor going off and nurses coming in and out of the room. So, I thought I'd use this "quiet" time to get some of my thoughts out to the public. As you probably already know, our son was admitted to the hospital last night because of a virus. To be honest, the whole thing really sucks (sorry mom and dad but that's the only word to describe it). I keep thinking, "I am supposed to still be pregnant. If I was maybe none of this would be happening.". But, it is and doctors/hospitals/needles/sleepless nights have become a reality in our family. When you picture having a child you don't picture not being able to hold them whenever you want or 5 cords attached to their little feet or manuevering an IV just to feed them or a doctor asking you to leave while he performs a spinal tap or so many pokes and prodes that the nurses can't find another place to draw blood. But, like I said, that's our reality at the moment so I'm trying to find the positive (give me a second to dry the tears so I can see the screen enough to keep typing).
So, the positive in all of this.........we have the best baby in the world!! He has been pushed, poked, proded, held, examined, etc by more people than we can count in the past 11 days of his life yet he hardly cries (unless he loses his "paci"). I can still hold him so when he looks up at me with that gaseous smile it makes my day all better. He's eating more than he has been so that's really good. Preston has a great sense of humor like his daddy. When the doctor gets done checking him, every time, without fail, as we are thanking the doctor he farts really loud in the doctor's direction as if to say, "That's what I think about all of this!". On top of having the best baby in the world, we also have the best pediatrician. He jumped on this situation really fast with both feet. He made calls to get us into a better hospital than the one I delivered in because he wanted the best care for Preston. He called last night and came by first thing this morning to check on him and give me a hug. He also got the best PICU working with us. This PICU doctor doesn't seem to sleep. When I asked the nurse about it she said that he very rarely sleeps while working because his mind is always going, trying to find ways to help his little patients. It's refreshing to know that there are still people out there that take their job to heart, wanting to give 110%. And to top it all off, we have been blessed with the best family and friends in the world. We've had several calls, texts and emails asking how Preston is, offering help, sending encouraging words and most importantly, praying. So, thank you for all that you've done during this difficult time. Someday I hope to look back at this as a growing experience, one that is just a memory because our little "Boo Man" will be perfectly healthy. But, for now I need to go wipe my tears and blow my nose because my boys wake up!

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