Thursday, December 31, 2009

The First Decade

On Facebook a friend posted several of her highlights from the first decade of the 21st century. That got me thinking about my highlights as well and I came to the conclusion that A LOT has happened since the turn of the new century. For me, there's been a whole lot of good, fun memories and a few things I'd rather not re-live. I don't want to end on a bad note so I will start off telling you the few things that I have no desire to re-live: my grandparents' deaths, Sep. 11, 2001, a major car accident, financial hardships, and Preston's time in the hospital. That's not too bad considering it's spanned over 3,650 days. The things I've enjoyed and found memorable since 2000 (really since 2001 because I don't remember a lot from 2000) is that I have traveled to 4 countries and to/through about 20 states. I've seen many things and have done things that people only dream of. I took a 2 year break from teaching after 9/11 because it had such a huge impact on my life at the time, as did that whole year in general. After realizing that I enjoyed being the boss but missed teaching I went back to teach at the district where I used to be a student. Being the boss of the non-profit I had worked at inspired me to get my Administrative Credential and Masters. Although I finished the degree and earned my credential I decided that I'm not ready to go into administration quite yet. Part of that had to do with meeting Rob while the other part had to do with the fact that I think teaching has A LOT to do with the student as a whole and not just test scores (every district I've worked at believes the opposite...tests,tests,tests!).
My world changed when I met Rob at Chili's in April 2007. Little did I know at the time that I had met my best friend and future husband. We hit it off and were engaged 6 months later. In February of last year we were fortunate enough to buy a house in the mountains above Reno. It's been a blessing and a curse, but every day I look out one of the many windows and thank the Lord that we live in such a beautiful place (especially in the Winter). We were married last June in a beautiful outdoor ceremony over looking the Sierras and we honeymooned on the East Coast. In November of last year we were excited beyond belief to find out we were expecting our first child! This year one blessing has outweighed all the frustrations we've dealt with (especially in the past month or so)..... we welcomed Robert Preston Herrington V into the world July 3rd. He is our pride and joy, making us smile several times a day. He is growing so fast and it is fun to experience the world through his eyes.
So, all in all, it's been a great decade. I look forward to what's in store for us over the next ten years! Happy New Year.........

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