Sunday, December 20, 2009

Zombie Mode

I feel like we've gone back in time to when Preston was a newborn and sleep was a foreign concept. He has been in our room pretty much since we got back from MS. First, he was sick. Then, I passed out and fell down the stairs when I got up to nurse him. Then, I had a surgical procedure. And finally, his crib got recalled. All of that caused him to camp out in our room. I've enjoyed having him there but am ready to get sleep again. The angel care monitor isn't compatible with the pack n play so I am constantly waking up to check on him, making sure all is good. Then it takes me forever to go back to sleep because my mind starts going.
As I posted a couple days ago, he's also been fussy so being sleep deprived and stressed out all the while dealing with a fussy 5 month old isn't the best combination. I'm officially in zombie mode! But, for today, my prayers have been answered. Preston has not cried ONCE! In fact, he's been making me and others laugh quite a bit. We've either been given him gifts or have bought his toys used. We haven't splurged on any new big toys for him....until a week ago. I broke down and bought a "Johnny Jump Up" like the one at Mimi and Grandpa's house. He loves it! This morning he figured out how to really getting going with the jumping so every time he got the music to go on it he would start jumping like crazy. Every time the music stopped he would stop as well. He really had me laughing! Then, at church, he kept putting his feet in his mouth, pulling his socks off and eating them. The elderly lady behind us thought that was so cute. She asked how old he was, saying she thought he was really smart. I think he is too but I have nothing to compare it to. He also had the men in front of us laughing because he kept squealing when it would get quiet then smile real big as if saying, "I'm cute so I can get away with it!". As I sit here blogging he is lying next to me, rolling all around, proud of himself for getting to his toys on his own. I'm glad he's so happy today. It makes being in zombie mode much easier!

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