Sunday, December 27, 2009

Them Days Are Long Gone.....

The days where we could put Preston on his tummy time blanket and know he won't go anywhere have passed. A couple weeks ago he started rolling over from his back to his stomach. If we were lucky he'd roll back again to his back Then, yesterday, he started rolling over consistently. I put him on his tummy time blanket and went to make a phone call. When I got back in the room he had rolled all the way to the entertainment center and was in the process of putting the DVD cord in his mouth. I quickly grabbed him and put him back on his blanket. I started taking ornaments off the tree, looked over and he had rolled the opposite way toward the recliners. He had a goal in sight.....the computer cord. I grabbed it out of his way and put him back on his blanket. So goes the past 24 hours of our lives. We joke that we won't need to go to the gym because he will keep us very active from here on out. Within the next month I'm sure I'll be "baby proofing" the house because who knows what he can get into, even just rolling. As I write this he has his piggy in one hand and is rolling toward the woodpile as fast as he can. On that note let my workout resume.......

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