Friday, July 30, 2010

Make It Go Away Already!

In the month of July Preston has had Roseola, a sinus infection, the stomach flu and now a new bug. Daycare called me today, asking me to pick up Preston because he had a fever. Luckily it was at the end of the day so I didn't have to get a sub. Once I got him he was really clingy and lethargic. When I took his temp this evening it was over 103. I put him to bed and then had a good cry. WHY?? It's already hard enough with the other adjustments we're getting used to. Now all these illnesses are getting thrown into the mix and I don't know how much more I can handle. I wish I had help right now because I never get a break. It's not about me and I get that but really??? We're supposed to go see Rob and now I don't know if that'll happen because I don't want to be away from Dr. Althoff not knowing what is wrong with Preston. The poor guy needs to know what it feels like to be healthy again because he only gets a day here and there before getting sick again. It's getting old and I'd just like it all to go away!!!

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