Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some Days You Win.....

and some you don't. Yesterday P had a great day! We went swimming for an hour or two in the morning with his friends then played outside after his long nap. He laughed a lot and thoroughly enjoyed life. Today has not been like that. It started with him crying hysterically when he first woke up. When I asked him what was wrong he said, "Hurt". He's good at communicating for a 2 year old but there's still a lot he can't tell us. At times, like this morning, the communication barrier causes frustration. When I asked what hurt he said his head, but had his hand on his little butt. When I asked again to clarify he said his knee but held out his hand. So, after inspecting his body, I came to the conclusion that it all hurt based on what he told me. He had a hard time eating his waffle and even asked to turn Thomas off at one point....both are sure signs something is off in his little world. Since he's not running a fever I decided to go to his make-up gymnastics class and his first swim lesson. At gymnastics he did GREAT! He followed directions, did a "bear crawl" on the bars and really did well on the trampoline. On the way out to the car he peed all over himself and me (gotta love swim diapers!). That should've been a clue as to what was coming! Swim lessons were a nightmare. He cried from the moment he saw the pool. After 5 minutes I decided not to fight it and took him out. Normally I would persevere but my "mommy instincts" were telling me something was not right. On the way home he fell asleep and he actually let me carry him from the car to his crib and lay him down without fussing. He asked for his blanket, llama and cow then curled up in the fetal position and just laid there. I checked on him about 10 minutes ago and he was just laying there, not asleep but looking relaxed. I hope our little man feels better soon because I don't like days like this. :(

1 comment:

mom said...

Keep us posted. That just doesn't sound like our little Preston. Mom