Friday, July 15, 2011

Vacation No Go

Don't you just hate it when a plan doesn't work out? P and I were supposed to be in the Bay Area right this very minute. I was really looking forward to getting away and visiting a new place, exploring with my favorite little man. On Wednesday we took off, heading West. The plan was to stay at my parents' overnight then make the rest of the trip yesterday, staying until Saturday. But Wednesday P woke up not feeling 100%. By the time we got to my parents' he had a fever. Then yesterday he threw up. I was beyond bummed to realize we wouldn't be completing our trip as planned. I did spend a fun morning with P at Fairy Tale Town, a toddler's dream place. He had fun running, climbing, playing. He also enjoyed feeding the ducks next to the park. Although we didn't get to go to Discovery Museum and the SF Zoo we still had fun on a mini vacation. And I'll look forward to our real vacation in the future!

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