Friday, March 27, 2009

How Big Can Ya Get?

I was feeling "frumpy" today so I thought I'd spice it up today. This morning I picked out a cute Spring top that was not in my maternity section, but still big enough to fit in. My plan ended up backfiring because with the way it looks, it accentuates my ever growing baby bump. One student came up to me today and very sweetly said, "Cinco is really getting big isn't he?". I told her that no, it was indeed me just getting fatter. She again sweetly told me that it was Cinco getting bigger....wish she was in my class so I could give her straight A's. When I got home I decided to get some much needed exercise so I took the dogs out. I had just gotten back and was in the yard when Rob got home. The first thing he said was, "Wow, you are really looking pregnant today." I guess wearing the cute, non-maternity top did nothing to "slim me down". Oh well! I am not one of those girls that freaks about that. I know I eat healthy (except for my one...or two desserts I eat a day!) and Cinco is healthy. So, in my book, that's what matters! God bless pregnancy and all the weight that comes with it.....ha!

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