Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wacky Weather

Wacky weather seems to be the theme across the nation the past few days. We didn't want to be left out so we got our fair share as well. Sunday night and yesterday morning we had close to 50-60 mph winds. They predicted up to 100 mph but it never got that bad to my knowledge. Then it was raining cats and dogs, a rarity around this neck of the woods. Our street got so muddy that it was nearly impossible to get down. Luckily Rob had called to warn me about it so I wasn't shocked when I went down our road sideways (Hey, I got a whole new view of the properties on the left side of the road!). I didn't want to chance it coming home so I took our little access road to get to the house, which was much easier. To top it all off, the moisture turned to snow at some point last night. We woke up to about 2-3 inches of snow on our deck. I never thought I'd prefer snow over rain but it's a lot easier to maneuver in. Plus, it's prettier so I am happy that we have snow again!

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