Monday, September 20, 2010

Getting Back to Normal

Friday I got a call from daycare that P had a fever of over 102 and needed to be picked up immediately. I was completely stressed because I was trying to get report cards finished despite many glitches with the new program. I also needed to get ready for parent conferences and prep things for this week. But, I dropped everything to go get our lil man and take him to the doctor's office. Our usual pediatrician was out so we got a different person, someone I was not impressed with in the least. This doctor informed us that it was a cold and his fever would go away within a few days. So, without any real answers that I liked, we took our sick lil guy home. Luckily, Rob was here to help out SOOOOOOOO much. I had a baby shower that I had to go to on Saturday so Rob had a father/son day. P wasn't feeling well so it was a day of cuddles and naps. P's fever fluctuated between 103 and 104 most of the day. We had planned to go to dinner but since P wasn't feeling well we decided against it. Now, for those that know me well, know that I have a guilty conscience. People can-and do-make me feel guilty for a lot of different things. However, no one but myself made me feel guilty for leaving P when he was sick. I guess it's a mom thing but I was near tears by the time I started up the hill (and was wishing we didn't live so far out). Yesterday was a lot of the same with P being sick and I was getting stresed. My teaching partner is on maternity leave and I'm covering for her. That means I'm responsible not only for teaching our class full time but for parent conferences and report cards, which started today. Rob realized I was stressed and graciously offered to call in a family sick day so he could stay home with P. What a relief! However, that relief wasn't present this morning when P got up and had the highest fever he's ever had. Rob immediately took over and promised me updates as I left for work. Once again the mommy guilt set in and I cried most of the way to work. PTL P got better as the day progressed. By the afternoon his fever had pretty much diminished and he was more like himself. When I got home I took him out to his swing set so he could get some much needed fresh air. Then he played in his play room and we had a dance party. All the playing caused his fever to return (around 101) so we settled down, took a bath and it went back down. After not eating much since Friday he ate 3 helpings of Mac N Cheese (something I'm getting tired of but I knew it'd get him to eat) and raspberries. It's nice that he's on the road to recovery and is getting back to normal! Thank you God for answering prayers!

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