Saturday, September 11, 2010

May We Never Forget

Nine years ago today, almost to the minute " A mighty sucker punch came flying in from somewhere in the back" and we all took witness. I remember turning on the TV to watch the morning news on Sep. 11 like any other day and was knocked to my knees by scenes of a horrific terrorist attack. In a daze I made my way to school, where parents and kids were crying out of fear. I can say it was single-handedly the worst day of teaching in my 10 year career. I was promising parents that I'd keep their child safe, not knowing if that would be possible. Third graders were asking questions for which I had no answers. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry but I had to be strong. That day, in part, caused me to question my teaching ability and ultimately take 2 years off from teaching. All because of some punks whose religion and views I don't understand. That one day changed a lot of lives, the way people view their own life and how our country was run. One day in history that may we never forget, whether it be the one year anniversary or the 100 year anniversary.

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