Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mommy of the Year

Although I strive for "Mommy of the Year" every day, sometimes I fall short. Sometimes, like tonight, I fall flat on my face! Preston has been fussy lately because of his cold. The nights, after dinner, are the worst. Since he has not been outside much lately I decided to take him on a walk/run so he could get some fresh air and I could get some much needed exercise. When we left the house is was 71 degrees, according to the thermometer on my SUV. I figured we were ok because we were both in workout pants. When we got to our destination I put Preston's hoodie on him before putting him in his stroller, but he didn't have socks on. We set out, looking at the mustangs and dogs. By the time we turned the corner to head back to the car the temperature had dropped and the wind had picked up. Preston was crying so I started running, despite the little boy that had joined our walk. He was telling me every fact he had learned on the Discovery Channel in the past 9 years. Preston was crying and horses were running all around us. What a sight! I was getting cold so waved good bye and ran faster. That caused the wind to blow in Preston's face even more, causing him to cry even harder. When we finally got to the car the sun had dipped behind the hills, causing the temperature to drop 10 degrees in 45 minutes! Before bundling him up in his carseat I blew on his little ice cube feet to warm them up. We got home and once he saw his trike he forgot about being cold. He was a happy camper once again! As a parent some days everything goes perfect while some days nothing goes as planned. But, it's all part of a learning process and I learned that next time we take an evening Fall walk to look at horses I will be more prepared for cooler weather.

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