Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hodge Podge

I've wanted to blog all week but either a) I've been too tired or b) the Internet has been down or c) all of the above. My teaching partner went on maternity leave so I graciously- and maybe stupidly- told her I'd cover her leave so she didn't have to worry about a sub. Boy, has it made me REALLY appreciate my usual schedule. In fact, as the week progresses I love my usual schedule more and more, working full time less and less. I guess it wouldn't be too bad if a) it wasn't full or meetings, events or report cards after school or b) I didn't have a child to take of after I left my paid job. Either way, it sucks! I miss my play dates with Preston, having a clean house and the laundry caught up. But, I only have one more full day and then next week is minimum days and parent conferences. After that it's 3 glorious weeks off to relax, read, CLEAN and hang out with the P Man.
Speaking of him, I think our paychecks will now be invested in bubble wrap and helmets. It is amazing how many times one can hurt themselves in a week. We are currently on a daily basis and I'm not talking little things. Today he knocked his noggin on the play table at daycare and has a nice goose egg to show for it. The goose egg is on top of the scrape he got at my school the other night when he was running to play with the big kids (ie my 2nd graders). If he stopped walking like a mix between Bill Cosby (at the beginning of his shows. Maybe it's a dance??) and a gorilla I think he'd survive. As of yet, however, the jury is out.
Speaking of juries, we got bummer news today. Rob had filed a claim when he injured his shoulder at work. The company filed an appeal, that was granted. Rob then filed his own appeal and won. But, we got news today that the company is going to appeal the reversal. At this point, we don't know what that means as far as medical care for Rob. I pray that we get a definitive answer soon so he can proceed with medical care and get relief. He is in such excruciating pain, to the point where it even hurts to sleep at night.
Speaking of night, I guess it's time to get P out of the bath and ready for bed. It's now a battle to get him to drink his cup of milk at night so I start early and pray for the best!

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