Friday, July 30, 2010
Make It Go Away Already!
In the month of July Preston has had Roseola, a sinus infection, the stomach flu and now a new bug. Daycare called me today, asking me to pick up Preston because he had a fever. Luckily it was at the end of the day so I didn't have to get a sub. Once I got him he was really clingy and lethargic. When I took his temp this evening it was over 103. I put him to bed and then had a good cry. WHY?? It's already hard enough with the other adjustments we're getting used to. Now all these illnesses are getting thrown into the mix and I don't know how much more I can handle. I wish I had help right now because I never get a break. It's not about me and I get that but really??? We're supposed to go see Rob and now I don't know if that'll happen because I don't want to be away from Dr. Althoff not knowing what is wrong with Preston. The poor guy needs to know what it feels like to be healthy again because he only gets a day here and there before getting sick again. It's getting old and I'd just like it all to go away!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thru Preston's Eyes
Uh oh!!! That noise means Mommy is up. If she is up before me then that means it is Daycare Day. I am trying to be brave on Daycare Days but I miss my Mommy and my toys and Holly and the goats and my crib and my highchair. Oh, and I miss the show Mommy watches in the morning and my music and the birdies and our walks and... But, wait! I'm going to be brave today. Here she comes. Maybe she'll forget and we will spend the day playing on my jungle gym and going to the best store- Walmart.
Oh yes, a bottle! That's a good way to start the day. Maybe, just maybe..... Yum! I love when Mommy makes me waffles and gives me blueberries. Uh oh, she is putting things in my Thomas backpack. Oh, and she's making me a sandwich. This is not good! I'll know for sure if she puts me in my clothes instead of leaving me in my PJs.
Oh great! She is pulling out shorts and my truck shirt. Now she left so I better make sure she's ok and doesn't need my help. Oh good, she is in the bathroom. I love playing with the stuff in here! She's picking me up...yay!
Oh wait, I take that back. She is taking me downstairs and putting me in my carseat. Here we go to daycare. I'm going to be brave. I'm going to be brave. I will not cry. I will not cry... Maybe if I talk and sing then she will think I'm cute and forget to take me to daycare.
Ok, I can hope but I know where we are. I see another Mommy and her kid. I will be brave! We are in the building. We are saying hi to Ms. Julie and Ms. Ryan. They smile but it doesn't make me smile. Oh, we are are getting closer to the room. I will not cry... OK, we are in the room and Ms. Toni is happy to see me. I am not happy to see her but I am happy to see I don't match Cody. Sometimes we have the same shirt on and I don't like that. No one is playing with the play kitchen so I will be brave and play there when Mommy leaves. She is putting me down and saying bye. I will not cry......WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, a bottle! That's a good way to start the day. Maybe, just maybe..... Yum! I love when Mommy makes me waffles and gives me blueberries. Uh oh, she is putting things in my Thomas backpack. Oh, and she's making me a sandwich. This is not good! I'll know for sure if she puts me in my clothes instead of leaving me in my PJs.
Oh great! She is pulling out shorts and my truck shirt. Now she left so I better make sure she's ok and doesn't need my help. Oh good, she is in the bathroom. I love playing with the stuff in here! She's picking me up...yay!
Oh wait, I take that back. She is taking me downstairs and putting me in my carseat. Here we go to daycare. I'm going to be brave. I'm going to be brave. I will not cry. I will not cry... Maybe if I talk and sing then she will think I'm cute and forget to take me to daycare.
Ok, I can hope but I know where we are. I see another Mommy and her kid. I will be brave! We are in the building. We are saying hi to Ms. Julie and Ms. Ryan. They smile but it doesn't make me smile. Oh, we are are getting closer to the room. I will not cry... OK, we are in the room and Ms. Toni is happy to see me. I am not happy to see her but I am happy to see I don't match Cody. Sometimes we have the same shirt on and I don't like that. No one is playing with the play kitchen so I will be brave and play there when Mommy leaves. She is putting me down and saying bye. I will not cry......WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Summer Cleaning
I'm a Feng Cha (however you spell it) kind of person. I clean out things a lot because I don't like clutter. Having a baby/toddler has been hard in that sense because his toys everywhere drives me insane! Before his birthday, Rob would clean up his toys on a nightly basis so I could have a few minutes of everything in its place. After his birthday, however, it became too much. Rob graciously relented to turning his "man cave" into Preston's playroom. A couple weeks ago I painted it and today the carpets are getting cleaned. Between a husband that works outside, a dog, a toddler and the dirt up here our carpets get dirty pretty fast so I aim at getting them cleaned each Summer. Today is our day for that! Before they come to clean the carpets, I have to vacuum them. I hesitated to vacuum because Preston screams when the vacuum is on but I didn't have a choice. I had too much to vacuum and needed to do it before his nap so I took my chances. Lucky for me, he actually loved the vacuum this time! Anyone looking into our house would've got a kick out of the 3 Ring Circus taking place. Preston was chasing the vacuum, squealing every time the air blew his hair while Holly was running from it, hiding in every nook and cranny. Now that the carpet is vacuumed we're ready for it to be cleaned. Once it gets cleaned 90% of Preston's toys will be going downstairs...and I can't wait! He'll have his own area to make a mess in and I'll have a clean upstairs. (One could only hope!)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
high life
its a heck of a life out here on the road
diggin' holes and settin' high line poles
its long hot days in the desert sun
it pays a good living but aint much fun
the days drag on and the nights are short
and the time away from the ones i adore
i miss chasin that boy around the floor
and the smile on his face when i walk through the door
i miss seeing my wife at the days end
its pretty tough to be away from my best friend
i dred the sunday nights that mean i have to go
cause the next time i see them will take forever i know
as bad as it is on me i know its worse for jen
cause in her life, the days have no end
they start well before the sun comes around
and dont end till well after it goes down
i dont know how she keeps this house afloat
tween, feeding preston, holly, and our 2 goats
but she takes it all in stride her daily chores
and i know shes ready to see me walking through the door
but as i said before its a heck of a life
and i thank God that shes a heck of a wife
diggin' holes and settin' high line poles
its long hot days in the desert sun
it pays a good living but aint much fun
the days drag on and the nights are short
and the time away from the ones i adore
i miss chasin that boy around the floor
and the smile on his face when i walk through the door
i miss seeing my wife at the days end
its pretty tough to be away from my best friend
i dred the sunday nights that mean i have to go
cause the next time i see them will take forever i know
as bad as it is on me i know its worse for jen
cause in her life, the days have no end
they start well before the sun comes around
and dont end till well after it goes down
i dont know how she keeps this house afloat
tween, feeding preston, holly, and our 2 goats
but she takes it all in stride her daily chores
and i know shes ready to see me walking through the door
but as i said before its a heck of a life
and i thank God that shes a heck of a wife
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Good Day
Rob came home yesterday in time to get Preston from daycare. It was nice to BBQ and relax as a family. This morning Rob hung out with Preston so I could get my hair done. Then we met up and went to breakfast as a family. From there we went to Scheels to buy some hunting stuff. Our hunts are coming up next weekend and we had to get ready. I bought some camo and boots. I also bought something I've wanted for several months: RUNNING SHOES! After we left, Rob hung out with Preston so I could run some errands that are easier without a toddler. As much as I love being with Preston, it was so easy getting in and out of stores without entertaining him with farting noises (with my mouth of course!). Once I got home we all laid down for naps, which was SUPER nice! After our wonderful naps I made shish kabobs on the BBQ and worked it off by trying out my new running shoes. The thunder clouds are rolling in so I'm looking forward to putting Preston down and reading my People mag while the thunder and lightning puts on a display. This is how weekends should be all the time. I've loved every minute of it!
Thursday, July 22, 2010

This week has been a bittersweet one for me. One for the most part I'd like to be over. It started with Preston and me getting sick. Then we had some fun thrown in there with friends. Then today I started teaching for the first time since before Preston was born. It was a fun but L-O-N-G day in the classroom. My kiddos are fun, may be a little challenging in the future, but it will make for a good year! It was sort of surreal being back in the classroom. At first I felt like a sub, which is how they tried to treat me. But then I got into the groove and the day flew by.
After school was when the bitter part hit me. I already wanted to get to Preston because he had another hard time when I dropped him off this morning. But then I found out that Mrs. Jetton, my parents' best friend and a 2nd mom to me, lost her long battle against cancer early this morning. We knew it was coming so it wasn't a surprise but it still ripped my heart out. She was such a strong, yet very loving, person. Her contagious sense of humor was loved by all. Her passion for children and the Lord was evident in everything she did in life. She was very family oriented and is sadly leaving behind a 13 year son that she and Pastor adopted from Russia when he was a toddler. I'll miss getting on FB and seeing her comments, having her tell me she loves me and is proud of me. I'll miss the stories my parents share about their visits together. I'll miss her stubborness, strong will and the strength she showed even til the end. Most of all I'll miss her hugs and contagious belly laughs.
Because today has been so busy, I have yet to mourn the loss of this great lady. But with this busy day comes the realization that I'm not as strong as I'd like to think I am. I'd give just about anything for Rob to be here right now, to have him put his arms around me so I can just cry. Speaking of which, the tears have now started flowing freely so I'm going to sign off so I can mourn the loss of one of the greatest women I've ever had the privilege of knowing! I love and miss you Mrs. Jetton.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
After not eating much for three days, Preston's appetite is back with a vengence! Like I stated in my last blog, we went to a friend's house for dinner last night. She is a great cook but Preston has become a picky eater like his daddy. So we all ate a nice chicken dinner and Preston ate 5 graham crackers. For breakfast this morning he ate a blueberry waffle, an entire banana, a couple slices of nectarine and cinnamon puffs. After meeting friends for a walk and running errands, he ate a later lunch than usual. So he made up for lost time, eating 1/2 PBJ sandwich, blueberries, cherries and goldfish. He was asking for more but we have early dinner plans so I cut him off. On top of having his appetite back his energy level is back to normal. As I write this he is throwing his plastic donut toys for Holly to fetch (She's not into this game). Preston squeals every time she looks as if she may get up to get one then his face drops when she puts her head back down. So nice that things are back to normal with our lil cowboy!
The Scream

This is what I envisioned for a couple hours last night. It all started when Preston and I got home last night after having dinner at a friends' house. He was tired so he drank his bottle and went right to bed. Shortly after he fell asleep my friend called, asking if we were still meeting for a walk this morning. The phone woke Preston up and it was all over after that. He SCREAMED for 2 hours! I rocked him, sang to him, told him stories, held him and finally put him in bed with me...all to no avail. At 11pm I was exhausted and now had a migraine so I put Preston in his crib and prayed he'd fall asleep. Thankfully he did only a few moments later. I was hoping that he'd sleep in since he went to bed 3 hours past his normal bedtime but no such luck. He was wide-eyed and bushy tailed at 6:30. Fortunately he hasn't been too fussy all things considered but it's still early. We may have more of The Scream by the end of the day!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Still Not a Happy Ending
They say when your child gets sick, you usually get it as well. Lucky for me that has yet to happen....until yesterday. I don't deal with the stomach flu very well so the fact that I've had it 2-3 times in the last 10 years is a good thing. Preston graciously passed it on to me and needless to say, it hit me like a ton of bricks! I was sicker than a dog from 3pm on yesterday. Without going into details, I'll just say it was a nice weight loss program. Other than that I could've sat down and cried at any point in the afternoon/evening. Rob had an out of town job so I was trying to take care of Preston as well as myself. Making dinner for him was interesting but praise God I didn't have to deal with any messy diapers. I'm thankful he's such an easy kid because he played by himself while I laid on the couch. The only time it got tricky is when I'd run to the bathroom. He'd follow me and proceed to mimic the sounds I was making. If I hadn't felt so lousy I would've found a lot more humor in it. By the time I put him to bed I was running a fever. I crawled into our bed, pulled all the covers up around my neck and shivered myself to sleep. The phone briefly woke me up when my teaching partner left a message, saying she too had the stomach flu (Preston was so nice to share with the both of us!). Other than that I slept off and on until Preston woke up at 6am. I'm so glad I don't have to be at work today because I'm still not 100%. That's why I'm thankful I only deal with this once every few years.
Monday, July 19, 2010
1st Day
Today is the first day of school....and I'm not there. Since the school I work at is year-round our first day was today. I went in for an hour to meet the students and some of the parents this morning but it's not my official day to work so I left within the first half hour of the school day. After teaching 6th grade for three years, it's nice to be back with the "little" kids. I'm teaching a shared contract, 2nd grade, this year. Working on a shared contract means I only work 2-3 days a week. The school I'm working out is such a nice change from what I'm used to. Between that and the cute kiddos and a great teaching partner, I'm really excited about this school year! I don't remember the last time I was this excited about a new school year. If Ashley (my teaching partner) and I can prove to our principal that the shared contract is working then she'll let us stick with it permanently. If I have to work, I can't think of a better job for me at this point!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Good Start, Not So Happy Ending
We've had a fun weekend but coming back to reality has been a little more than I can handle. The three of us had a family weekend in Battle Mountain. It started Friday night when we went to a local diner for dinner then to the races in town. Unfortunately, Preston didn't last long through the races so we only got to watch the preliminary stuff. Yesterday Rob had to work so Preston and I had fun exploring the town. We enjoyed a picnic at one of the little parks in town. There was a special motorcycle event happening so there was music, bikes and even a couple dogs. Preston was in heaven! Then it got even better for him when we went to the community pool. Even though it was packed the kids were very polite and well behaved. A couple of them even apologized for splashing Preston, which is unheard of these days. Rob got off early so we decided to go to Elko to eat at our favorite place, The Star. We even talked our friend, Bob, into joining us. After enjoying a delicious dinner we took a fieldtrip to Walmart because, let's be honest, even on vacation I can't stay away from that store. :) This morning we packed up and hit the road. Unfortunately, we weren't even on the freeway before Preston threw up. And when I say "throw up" I don't mean baby spit up. I mean "big boy" spit up! It was a long trip home and I was thankful that I discovered an unopened air freshener in the glove compartment. When we got back in town I had to stop by my classroom to meet my teaching partner and finalize a few things before school starts tomorrow. As soon as I got Preston set up on a blanket he threw up again. He obviously didn't want to eat his lunch so he got super clingy, making it VERY hard to get anything done. Finally, after an hour and one very messy diaper later, Ashley (my teaching partner) and I threw in the towel (She kept helping with Preston). I picked up Pedialyte on the way home, which he proceeded to throw up on me after drinking it. Luckily he doesn't have a fever but I'm kind of tired of him being sick the past few weeks. Between that and starting a new job, life has been a little on the stressful side. I'm looking forward to getting into a new routine so I can get things done and feel more organized!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Is It Friday Yet???
I started back to work this week and, ladies, I don't know how you work full time and take care of the house. My parents came to town to watch Preston Monday and Tuesday which helped me more than I thought at the time. Yesterday reality set in when my day started at 5:45am and I didn't sit down (other than to eat dinner) to relax until 7:00pm. And then it was only for a few minutes to catch my breath. I had to get Preston his bath, put him to bed (which was a fight) and still do teacher work. In the end I think I fell asleep before he did because I couldn't do half the stuff I brought home to work on.
Yesterday Preston started daycare. Of course as soon as I walked in with him he found a toy and new friend. By the time I left it was as if I didn't exist. I only cried for about 5 minutes after I left and only checked in on him twice. I wasn't really worried about how he'd adapt but I thought I'd be a lot worse. By the time I picked him up it felt like we had been apart for days instead of hours but he was no worse for the wear. He gave me a few kisses then wanted to go back to playing. Needless to say, I don't think he'll mind being in daycare a few days a week.
Well, I'd write more but time is ticking away. Preston is already awake (GGRRR!) so I have to take a quick shower and get yet another long day started. By the way, is it Friday yet???
Yesterday Preston started daycare. Of course as soon as I walked in with him he found a toy and new friend. By the time I left it was as if I didn't exist. I only cried for about 5 minutes after I left and only checked in on him twice. I wasn't really worried about how he'd adapt but I thought I'd be a lot worse. By the time I picked him up it felt like we had been apart for days instead of hours but he was no worse for the wear. He gave me a few kisses then wanted to go back to playing. Needless to say, I don't think he'll mind being in daycare a few days a week.
Well, I'd write more but time is ticking away. Preston is already awake (GGRRR!) so I have to take a quick shower and get yet another long day started. By the way, is it Friday yet???
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Year Ago....
It was a year ago today that will forever stay in my mind as a bad day, a living nightmare. We took Preston to the doctor only to be told to take him straight to the Renown Hospital. We were told we didn't have time to go home and grab anything or take care of the animals because our son's life was hanging in the balance. If he did survive he'd most likely have brain damage or developmental problems. Rob and I stood outside the PICU, holding each other and sobbing while we heard Preston scream through a spinal tap and IV insertion. Little did we know on that horrible, gut wrenching day what a miracle Preston's life would be!! We held strong, basking in the prayers and support of loved ones. We cried tears of joy when the RN came in to tell us every test came back normal and we were free to transfer to St. Mary's PICU. The next few days weren't easy and neither were the next few months to be honest. But, by the grace of God, we got through it and are thankful for the happy healthy toddler we have today.
He went for his 1 yr checkup yesterday and everything is PERFECT! He's almost to the 50th percentile for his weight, weighing in at a whopping 22.4 lbs. He's 32 inches, making him in the 95th percentile for height. Last but not least he's grown into his head. :) Dr. Althoff said he's right on track for all his developmental milestones, a huge answer to many prayers! Our walking, talking toddler is one happy boy that brings us joy beyond our wildest dreams!!
He went for his 1 yr checkup yesterday and everything is PERFECT! He's almost to the 50th percentile for his weight, weighing in at a whopping 22.4 lbs. He's 32 inches, making him in the 95th percentile for height. Last but not least he's grown into his head. :) Dr. Althoff said he's right on track for all his developmental milestones, a huge answer to many prayers! Our walking, talking toddler is one happy boy that brings us joy beyond our wildest dreams!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Family Fun Day
We've been spoiled with Rob being off on the weekends for the past few weeks but that luxury is quickly coming to an end with his new job. We took advantage of his last weekend off for awhile by spending the day together. There is a music festival in VC so we went into town for the instrument "Petting Zoo". It was hyped up as being this big area where kids could come play a multitude of instruments. Since Preston LOVES music we thought it'd be fun for him. However, we were sorely disappointed when we pulled up and there was a small tent the size of Preston's bathroom with 3 or 4 instruments to "pet". Instead of taking part in the petting zoo we went to our favorite creamery and got ice cream and milkshakes instead. This evening we took family pictures for Preston's 1 yr pictures. Little did I know we were going to hike all over for pictures so by the time we got pictures taken my hair was flat and I was sweaty. Luckily boys can hide this problem so Rob and Preston took some AWESOME pictures together!! There was one that is probably one of the best pictures I've ever seen. The photographer even mentioned entering it in contests because she thought it'd win awards. It was taken in an overgrown area with tall weeds (It's prettier than I'm making it sound). Rob was kneeling down and Preston was standing next to him with one hand on his knee. They both had their black cowboy hats on and priceless expressions. I'm SUPER excited to see the prints because the photographer got great shots. Rob got frustrated that she was taking so long with each shot (His shoulder was hurting and Preston gets squirmy because he wants to get down and walk instead of being held these days!) but in the long run I think the wait was well worth it. Next Tuesday we will find out! We finished off the night meeting our friend, that is staying with us this weekend, at Texas Roadhouse. Although it was past Preston's bedtime, we enjoyed a nice meal. I'm not ready for the day to end but I'm tired so I guess the end is inevitable......G'Night Y'all!
School of Hard Knocks
Thursday Preston and I met up with a friend at Donner Lake. She commented that I was such a laid back first time mom because if her kids had been eating sand like Preston was she would've been quick to get it out of their mouths. I said as long as he was happy then I was ok with it. Boy, did I learn my lesson yesterday!! The poor lil cowboy was miserable! Every time he had a messy diaper he'd cry and it'd look like a cement truck had unloaded in each one. By the 3rd messy diaper I was near tears because I know he was in so much pain, pain that I could've helped him avoid. His little bum was red from all the sand and he'd cry and cry when I wiped him clean. A friend of ours came to stay with us last night and we had to assure her that Preston is normally such a happy lil boy. Luckily, he proved us RIGHT this morning. He woke up his usual happy, smiley, talking self and had normal diapers once again. So, all is good at the Lazy H Ranch again but mommy sure learned her lesson on this one. No more eating half the beach the next time we go!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Social Butterflies
We have had one packed social calendar the past month or so. In the 2 years we've lived here we've had a handful of people come up to the house. And now in 2 weeks we will have 3 different sets of guests. When we don't have guests we're off doing fun things. Today Preston and I met my friend Julie and her kids at Donner Lake. It was a perfect day for a picnic, sand castles and playing in the water. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with my friend Cristy for coffee or a walk. Then tomorrow night 2 friends and an acquaintance are staying with us. Saturday we're going to the music festival in VC then getting Preston's 1 yr pictures done. Sunday Rob is heading off to BM and my parents are coming to town to help out with Preston. I've absolutely LOVED this Summer so far. Despite starting back to work next week, the rest of the Summer is shaping up to be more fun with little trips around the area. Between our trips and work, if you're in the area, feel free to stop on by. Mi (I don't know how to say "our" in Espanol) casa es su casa!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Worn Out!
I knew it was going to be "one of those" days when Preston wouldn't stop screaming this morning. Since that time I've only had a few minutes to myself, most of them being in the last 10 minutes. For those that know me well know that I despise TV and want Preston doing other things than sitting in front of it. That being said, today I broke down and put on a video for him. It's praise music with animals and kids on the screen during songs, but it's one of the few things that grabs his attention for a few minutes. And, to be honest, those few minutes are priceless today! After the screaming episode this morning I decided to call the dr because he's been running a fever off and on for 10 days and is very congested. We ran errands before the dr's office so he was worn out by the time we got there. One could not tell that, however, because of all the "running" around he did in the office. He was talking louder than all the other kids combined and the waiting room went back in "library" mode once we were called into the examining room. At one point a receptionist that has befriended us asked if she could take Preston off my hands for a few minutes to give me a break (Yes, it was that bad today!). On the way to the examining room, the nurse commented on how "social" (ie. LOUD) Preston was. The dr came in to examine him and said he was very well behaved for his examination (I think Preston was beyond worn out at that point.). Then he proceeded to inform me that Preston has a sinus infection and that he's a precocious 1 yr old. He told me we'd have our hands full because 1 yr old boys don't often talk as much as he was talking. He said that it means he's intelligent and a quick learner. After the dr's visit, my brain child had worn me out so I postponed my last errand. Mr. Doogie Howser and I headed home, where he has played with EVERY toy in the house, making as much noise as possible. Unfortunately, the video is almost over and I refuse to replay it. So I'm relishing the few quiet moments left knowing that our precocious toddler will be all over the room again soon. Nap time can't come fast enough....for the both of us!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Perfect Weather Day
Today was one of those days that I could've been outside all day. It was warm but not too hot. The clouds rolled in this evening, cooled down and was a perfect evening. Although I wasn't outside all day, I did spend a majority of it outside. This morning I strapped Preston into the backpack and did my outside chores (ie. watering, feeding goats, etc). Then he played on his playset and in his sandbox for awhile. While he was napping, I shot my bow for quite awhile to prepare for my hunts next month. I would've spent more time shooting but I am in the process of painting the downstairs room to turn into Preston's play room and his nap time is the only time I can focus on painting. Once we got our errands done and came back home he played in his pool while Holly used it as a water bowl (He thinks this is a fun game!). By that time Rob was home so he hung out with Preston while I shot my bow some more. The weather was too perfect to go back in the house so I strapped Preston in the backpack and we went exploring. I found an abandoned house so Preston and I decided to be nosey (ok, maybe it was only me but I think I heard him say he wanted to look at it also). It was fun looking around, especially because I found a cool birdhouse that needed a new home where birds could eat. We came back home, new treasure in hand, so Preston could play with his new birthday toys some more before bed. Once he went to bed I wasn't ready to call it a day so I went back out and shot my bow some more. The only thing that brought me inside for the night is that it was too dark too see anymore and I was afraid the neighborhood bear would stop by for an unwelcome visit. I'm not ready to hunt bear just yet so in I went. Ah, what a perfect weather day!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Proud to be an American!
For several years, the 4th of July has been my favorite holiday. In my opinion it's the only big holiday that is still about family and friends but hasn't lost it's meaning to commercialism. Whether I'm at a parade or at a rodeo, at a BBQ or watching fireworks I always get emotional thinking about the freedom that we seem to take for granted on a daily basis. I think about the soldiers that are away from family and friends, fighting to keep our freedom. I am guilty of taking my freedom for granted so the 4th of July always puts it in perspective for me. While at our local parade this afternoon, a group of kids carried the flag down the street. Seeing the red, white and blue brought tears to my eyes. I looked around at all the people around us and realized we couldn't live in a better country. Despite the politics, the USA rocks! So please take a moment to relish in your freedom, pray for our soldiers and hug your family because that's what this holiday is all about in my opinion.
Sentimental Thoughts
I was so overwhelmed with Preston's birthday that I didn't get to blog the way I wanted to yesterday. I kept thinking I'd have a quiet moment to slip away and blog about my thoughts but it never happened. Between family and friends in town and the big party, I never had a moment to myself. So, you get the blog a day late but sentimental none-the-less.
I woke up yesterday, thinking about a year ago. I had known Preston was going to be born on the 3rd so I wasn't surprised when we were driving down the hill at 4am, on our way to the hospital. From the little I know about labor and delivery, I'd say mine was really easy! The nurse walked me through what to do since our birthing class was scheduled for the week after Preston was born. Rob walked me through the contractions and when to push. I was watching a big wreck on the Nationwide race when Preston came into the world (I guess that was my focal point). I remember holding this little 6lb, 8 oz baby in my arms, thinking about what a miracle he was! Little did I know that that was even more true in weeks to come in his young life!!. Throughout the year Preston has shown us a love like no other. He's shown me what it means to be willing to die for someone I love. He's shown me what joy personified truly means!
This year has flown by and I'd love to hit the pause button. Rob and I often talk about the fact that he'll be driving soon and we'll be reminiscing about the days when he was young. I'd love for him to stay this age forever because it's so much fun. But, I also know that it'll become more fun- and challenging- as he continues to grow up. So happy (late) birthday lil cowboy! You are a dream come true.
I woke up yesterday, thinking about a year ago. I had known Preston was going to be born on the 3rd so I wasn't surprised when we were driving down the hill at 4am, on our way to the hospital. From the little I know about labor and delivery, I'd say mine was really easy! The nurse walked me through what to do since our birthing class was scheduled for the week after Preston was born. Rob walked me through the contractions and when to push. I was watching a big wreck on the Nationwide race when Preston came into the world (I guess that was my focal point). I remember holding this little 6lb, 8 oz baby in my arms, thinking about what a miracle he was! Little did I know that that was even more true in weeks to come in his young life!!. Throughout the year Preston has shown us a love like no other. He's shown me what it means to be willing to die for someone I love. He's shown me what joy personified truly means!
This year has flown by and I'd love to hit the pause button. Rob and I often talk about the fact that he'll be driving soon and we'll be reminiscing about the days when he was young. I'd love for him to stay this age forever because it's so much fun. But, I also know that it'll become more fun- and challenging- as he continues to grow up. So happy (late) birthday lil cowboy! You are a dream come true.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
ONE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
A year ago today Robert Preston Herrington V came into the world 3 weeks early! I've reminisced so much about his life throughout the year that I don't know what else to say. He has shown us a whole new level of love since he's entered our lives. Everyone that meets him loves him and it was obvious today! At his 1st birthday party he had about 35 people there to help him celebrate. I'd write more but we have company and it's been a long day. So expect to get a longer blog in the next day or two. (If you're on FB look for pictures of the fun day soon!)
Friday, July 2, 2010
ALMOST a Big Change
Last night I fell asleep with tears-happy ones-running down my cheeks. What caused the waterfall? Thinking about life a year ago and how so much has changed...for the better! A year ago Rob called in sick to work, insistent that I would be going into labor on July 2nd. I'd already been to the hospital twice for false labor. My dr had told me that I'd be having Preston any day so to be prepared. But I knew I'd be having him on the 3rd. I don't know how or why. Maybe it was mother's intuition?? But I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Robert Preston Herrington V would be entering the world on the 3rd. In fact, I told Rob that so many times that he began making fun of me, asking at exactly what time he'd be born. In the end, however, Rob humored me. We spent the 2nd together, going for a long BUMPY ride, running errands, going out to eat (oh, how I should've savored a hot meal that I could eat without entertaining a lil one...ha) and finishing the nursery. We packed our hospital bags (although mine had been packed weeks in advance) and took showers before going to bed for a few hours. We went to bed a year ago, knowing that at some point tomorrow our worlds would forever be changed.........Hence the happy tears!!!
Middle of Nowhere
If you would've told me five years ago that I'd be married to a retired bull rider, living in the mountains of Reno and owning goats I would've laughed. I would've had to laugh loud so you could hear me above the fire station that was less than a mile from my house one way and the hospital about a mile away the other way. But I would've laughed. However, every night when I go to bed, I think about how blessed we are, how I wouldn't want to live anywhere else right now. During the Summer days there is so much wildlife up here. I can't drive a mile without seeing at least one herd of "wild" mustangs. We keep our windows open at night and hear coyotes. The not-so-fun thing is that we see remnants of bears around Garbage Day. Yesterday Rob and I watched the goats play, laughing at their silly antics. Last night we got in bed and heard an owl. Rob looked out the door and it was on our roof, calling into the night. We hear crickets chirp as we fall into Dreamland every night. When Preston is older he'll be able to catch lizards that run around the rocks outside our front door. He'll be able to learn about many different birds that love to chirp LOUDLY right outside our windows BEFORE the sun is up (Ok, so I would change that part). There are things I miss such as green grass but overall I love the endless possibilities for a young boy up here. There is so much to enjoy on a daily basis!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
New Toy
With Preston getting sick and planning for his party, I completely forgot to show off our new toy. Rob will be working out of town a lot and the company pays for his out of town expenses. Instead of using the money for a hotel room, we decided to use that money to purchase something we can call our own. It doesn't have a pool like a hotel room or a cleaning service but it will last a lot longer and provide many family memories over the years. Rob researched several different travel trailers and fifth wheels before deciding on this one. Last night he and I went out, after Preston went to sleep, and started cleaning and stocking it. Soon it'll be ready to set sail so to speak and it'll be his home away from home.
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