Thursday, July 15, 2010

Is It Friday Yet???

I started back to work this week and, ladies, I don't know how you work full time and take care of the house. My parents came to town to watch Preston Monday and Tuesday which helped me more than I thought at the time. Yesterday reality set in when my day started at 5:45am and I didn't sit down (other than to eat dinner) to relax until 7:00pm. And then it was only for a few minutes to catch my breath. I had to get Preston his bath, put him to bed (which was a fight) and still do teacher work. In the end I think I fell asleep before he did because I couldn't do half the stuff I brought home to work on.
Yesterday Preston started daycare. Of course as soon as I walked in with him he found a toy and new friend. By the time I left it was as if I didn't exist. I only cried for about 5 minutes after I left and only checked in on him twice. I wasn't really worried about how he'd adapt but I thought I'd be a lot worse. By the time I picked him up it felt like we had been apart for days instead of hours but he was no worse for the wear. He gave me a few kisses then wanted to go back to playing. Needless to say, I don't think he'll mind being in daycare a few days a week.
Well, I'd write more but time is ticking away. Preston is already awake (GGRRR!) so I have to take a quick shower and get yet another long day started. By the way, is it Friday yet???

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