Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Cleaning

I'm a Feng Cha (however you spell it) kind of person. I clean out things a lot because I don't like clutter. Having a baby/toddler has been hard in that sense because his toys everywhere drives me insane! Before his birthday, Rob would clean up his toys on a nightly basis so I could have a few minutes of everything in its place. After his birthday, however, it became too much. Rob graciously relented to turning his "man cave" into Preston's playroom. A couple weeks ago I painted it and today the carpets are getting cleaned. Between a husband that works outside, a dog, a toddler and the dirt up here our carpets get dirty pretty fast so I aim at getting them cleaned each Summer. Today is our day for that! Before they come to clean the carpets, I have to vacuum them. I hesitated to vacuum because Preston screams when the vacuum is on but I didn't have a choice. I had too much to vacuum and needed to do it before his nap so I took my chances. Lucky for me, he actually loved the vacuum this time! Anyone looking into our house would've got a kick out of the 3 Ring Circus taking place. Preston was chasing the vacuum, squealing every time the air blew his hair while Holly was running from it, hiding in every nook and cranny. Now that the carpet is vacuumed we're ready for it to be cleaned. Once it gets cleaned 90% of Preston's toys will be going downstairs...and I can't wait! He'll have his own area to make a mess in and I'll have a clean upstairs. (One could only hope!)

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