Sunday, October 28, 2012

Being Wrong

In my opinion there are very few things in life that are worse than admitting you're wrong. My dad and Rob occasionally point out that I don't like to be wrong....and they're right. If someone says I'm wrong I'm quick to defend my way of thinking or turn the conversation around to point fingers at the other person. It's not something I'm proud of but it's something I'm working on.
That being said, Rob is always quick to lift me up, to tell me how beautiful he thinks I am or how smart he thinks I am or how lucky he is to have me as his wife. So when he brings something to my attention that bothers him about me I listen and try to work on it. Last night he brought it to my attention that I've been focused a lot on being "fat" and tired instead of truly enjoying growing a life inside of me. And, as much as I'd hate to admit it, he's right (That may mean I'm wrong but the jury is still out on that one...ha!). I pride myself in not having the philosophy of "eating for two" but when people make comments about me eating a lot or I get weighed at the dr's office and realize I've gained more than a few pounds I beat myself up over it. But, as Rob pointed out, I'm growing a child in me and if I'm hungry it's my body telling me to eat. I probably need to eat healthier than I have been but I don't need to beat myself up over it. I lost my baby weight after P was born so I'm sure I'll do it again (even if it takes me a little longer). So, after my husband graciously brought this to my attention, it's something I plan to work on for the rest of my pregnancy. I need to enjoy every minute of this precious life growing inside me because, within a couple months, it'll all be over and I'll never experience it again. As for the tired part, I've got to learn how to relax more and not fill my "To-Do" list so full each day...a thing I REALLY struggle with. God blessed us with this pregnancy and I intend to appreciate it for its duration. So, bring wrong isn't always bad. Sometimes there are lessons to be learned! Maybe once in awhile (like once a year) it's ok for me to be wrong. :)

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