Saturday, October 6, 2012

Goldilocks v. Sleeping Beauty

I'd love to say that, now that it's cooling down, I'm more like Sleeping Beauty but I still resemble Goldilocks most nights. I honestly believe that I'd sleep through the night if P or my bladder didn't wake me up. Once I'm woken up then E decides to wake up and move around. After that I either realize I'm hungry or I start getting calf cramps. I've started eating bananas right before bed to curb this problem but once in awhile it still gets to me. Last night was one of those nights. P woke me up twice and by then I was wide awake. I came downstairs and played on the computer for about an hour. Then I tried to get comfortable on the couch. When I couldn't do that then I moved onto the guest bed. After tossing and turning quite a bit I got comfortable and fell asleep. A few hours later Mr. Goldilocks (aka P) found me after sleeping in his bed and ours. He crawled into bed with me and went right to sleep whereas I stayed awake for the most part. I guess I'm just getting extra practice for what it's going to be like in a few months with a newborn. Oh well! For the most part my body's learned how to function and, hey, I can catch up on sleep when I'm dead. :)

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