Thursday, October 4, 2012

Story Teller

My Papa was my hero for so many reasons. Not only was he talented and quite the handy man but he was also creative. He made every visit fun from beginning to end by doing stuff to create special memories. Although I have more fond memories of him than I could count, one of my favorites is the stories he would tell my brother and me. He'd take us for drives and tell us stories that kept us on the edge of our seats. He's been gone 9 years now, which is so hard to believe. There's a lot I want to share with him, wanting him to see how my life has turned out.
One thing I know he'd be proud of is that I've passed on his love for story telling to his great grandson. A week or so ago, P asked me to tell him a story. I made up something quick and simple and he loved it. Since then he's asked me on a daily basis to tell him stories. His favorites are when he's the hero at the end and "saves the day". The stories are mostly told while we're driving somewhere, which has been a lot in the past week.
Last week when we were visiting my parents my mom had told him about how I had caught a live frog when I was a little girl and had eaten its leg before she caught me and took the frog from my vice grip. Today when we were coming home from visiting Rob out of town P told me he wanted to tell me a story. This is how it went.......
"When I was a little boy I was standing my the door quiet. I was eating a frog leg and Gee came over and said "Jennifer, stop eating that frog. It's yucky!" So I  gave Gee the frog and she wiped my mouth with a paper towel. Then she said, "Jennifer, don't do that again!""
I love how he incorporated both stories. I also both how he is getting more creative with every story he tells. I have no doubt that my Papa is looking down on us from above, beaming as we make up stories on our car rides.

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