Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day of Rest

Like I blogged last night (before Preston deleted it), it's been a busy week. We had something every night last week. Rob and Preston got to have a couple "Guys' Nights" while I did Girls' Nights. Yesterday morning Rob and I finished Preston's swing set. Before Preston got to enjoy it we left for several hours. One of my good friends and I had lost contact. She found me on FB a few months ago and we've enjoyed reconnecting. Her family has a cabin in Soda Springs so we spent the afternoon there, catching up on old times. Her boys and Preston had fun playing together and the guys talked hunting. We enjoyed a beautiful drive home around Donner Lake. (It's been nice having Rob home on the weekends so we can have quality family time) Once we were home Preston was able to enjoy his swing set to the fullest. He loved swinging and playing on the slide. His neighbor friend, Kiana, even came over to play with him on the swing set, which he thought was great.
Today has been relaxing for the most part...well as relaxing as it can be hanging out with a walking toddler! I went to church then picked up the sandbox my parents got Preston for his birthday. After getting home I shot my bow (in a dress and flip flops mind you), took care of the goats and watched NASCAR. Now that the race is over Preston is going to enjoy playing in his little pool. I thought we were going to be home for the rest of the day but we got invited to our friends' for dinner. Rob and I are both "socialed" out (Thanks Rob for the new term) but by going there it saves me a trip to Sparks later this week and I don't have to cook- both bonuses! Overall, it's been a day of rest and I'm loving every minute of it, knowing that this upcoming week will be busy with swim lessons, family coming to town and 1st birthday preparation!

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