Monday, June 21, 2010

Lil Fish

Preston started swim lessons today and I, of course, am the proud mom! He did such a great job!! There were 9 kids there, of which 4 of them cried and one was actually taken out of the pool because he couldn't handle it. Preston, however, went along with everything that was asked by the instructor. He wasn't a huge fan of "floating" on his back but he tolerated it. He really liked splashing and playing Humpty Dumpty. That's where the kids sat on the edge of the pool and the parents recited "Humpty Dumpty". When we got to the "had a great fall" part the kids were to "fall" into the pool. Preston couldn't wait! As soon as I put him on the wall he wanted to jump right back in. At the end the instructor told the parents to hold their child at arm's length then say, "Ready, Set, Go!". After that we blew on our child's face (to get them to kind of hold their breath in reaction) and had him/her "swim" under water for a couple seconds. The instructor informed us that it was more nerve wrecking on the parents than the kids and he was right! Preston did a FABULOUS job. The second time I did it he even had a big smile for me when he was pulled to the surface. Pretty soon our lil fish is going to be ready to swim!

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