Sunday, June 13, 2010

If You're Happy and You Know It....

CLAP YOUR HANDS!!! That's exactly what Preston started doing today! Just between you and me, I've wondered for awhile why he could wave, give kisses, point (although that's fairly new) and do a few baby signs but couldn't clap. I didn't figure out what he was doing until this afternoon but I think he officially started clapping this morning. He's also doing the "more" sign sporadically so I thought he was asking for more food this morning. I probably stuffed the poor boy to the gills, thinking he was asking for more when in reality he was clapping. It became blatantly obvious this afternoon, however, and he's been doing it non-stop ever since. Rob is working a 16-20 hour shift today and I had to share it with someone. So, I Skyped Mom and Dad Herrington and they got a kick out of watching him clap himself silly.
The other fun, but not-as-exciting news, is that he started drinking from a straw today as well. I got him a small cup of Jamba Juice but would only let him have it by using the straw. He figured out pretty quick how to get what he wanted.
AAWWWW, the changes and growing up happens daily. In less than a month he'll officially be a toddler. Watch out comes Robert Preston Herrington V, the toddler!!!

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