Saturday, March 20, 2010


I am awake before the sun is up this morning but it's by choice. It's because I went to bed shortly after the sun went down last night. I had a great day with Preston and Rob, topped off with a little BBQing last night but I could barely keep my eyes open. Most night, after Preston goes to sleep, I take a hot bath and read. Last night I was falling asleep in the tub so I decided to go to bed early. By the time Rob was done showering I was down for the count. I woke up a few times during the night, trying to remember any dreams but I couldn't! I was SOOOOOOO happy about this revelation! I slept pretty sound until 5:30 when my body decided it was time to get up.
We have a fun day planned so maybe I was just excited about it all....a 5k this morning (my first in 2 years), a pedicure, an archery shoot at the house and some friends over for a BBQ tonight. What a fun Saturday! I'm glad I slept good last night so I'll have energy for all of it.

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