Friday, March 12, 2010

God is Good

I don't often use this blog as a testimony to God's goodness but I feel the need to do so today. There have been two blessings in our life in the past 24 hours that have been huge! For those of you that know me well know that I stress about money a lot. Being down to one income has stretched (and strengthened) us. We have our needs met and some of our wants but it still gets hard at times. This week has been one of those times. Yesterday, as I was stressing about finances, we got an unexpected check that was going to tie us over until payday. Then this morning I got a call that our refi that we submitted in November FINALLY got approved. The bank feels bad that it took so long and will compensate us for the hassle. Another huge answer to prayer!
The other blessing/miracle concerns our lil guy. Yesterday I was on my way back up the hill when Preston began screaming uncontrollably. By now I should know that he only does that when something is wrong but I figured he was overly tired and had dropped his pacifier. We got home and when I got him in the house I noticed that there was blood ALL over the right side of his face and ear. Fresh blood was in his ear. Since he's been sick the past few days the first thing that came to mind is that his ears didn't pop coming up the grade and that his eardrum exploded. I took him in for an emergency dr visit and the dr initially thought the same thing. After giving him a thorough examination he discovered that somehow Preston had scratched his ear canal pretty bad and that was the cause of the blood. He said within 72 hours it should be completely healed. PTL!! I was glad to know it wasn't a serious problem.
So, God is good! He answers spoken and unspoken prayers, taking care of us and providing for us beyond what we could ever dream of!

1 comment:

Betty Townsend said...

God promises us He will supply all our needs -- in His time!!

PTL!! He answered some huge prayers of yours!!